
Last night, Titus and I were reading the Bible on the helper, Holy Spirit and that flame of fire came upon the people. Titus then shared with me that when he was worshipping God in Hopekids, when he lifted his hands to God, he actually felt warmth in one hand.

I told him that it could be the Holy Spirit touching Him and I asked if he wanted the HS to be with him. He said yes so I prayed for him.

I felt the tangible presence of God when I was praying for him. When I asked him how he felt when I prayed, he said he felt the warmth on the other hand so I prayed for him some more. This time when I prayed for him, I was reminded how God was with me in my pregnancy with Titus. I felt led to pray that he will be like Samuel, to encounter Him and hear His voice at a young age, that he will know the voice of God, experience Him continually. When I prayed, I felt the presence of God even stronger and I felt like crying. After prayer, I saw Titus tearing up as well. I asked him how did he feel. He said he felt like crying and laughing, he had no idea why. I told him that it was the Holy Spirit touching him.

“Lord, thank you for this gift you have given us. When Titus was in my womb, you already knew him by name. Thank you for touching him and showing yourself to him. I pray that he will be like Samuel, that he will hear and recognize your voice at a young age. He will love and obey you with his heart all the days of his life. I dedicate my son to you. In my pregnancy and earlier days with Titus, you have assured me that you will take care of Titus. Thank you for this promise and taking care of him all the days of his life. Help me to be a good steward over this child as well. In Jesus name, I pray. Amen”

Intimacy with God

Spending time with God and intimacy with Him is not an obligation, it’s a pleasure and blessing. The reward of intimacy is not the blessing but intimacy is the blessing itself.

Today I spent time with Dawn singing songs with her. She would make me do the song again and again, she takes simple delight in me playing with her, giving her the attention. Then with Titus, I took time to read him the books without rushing and following up with questions. He enjoyed it too.

I think about the time w God. Isn’t it amazing that my Heavenly Father wants to do the same with me like what I’ve done with my kids? Just being in His presence, asking him questions, hearing him speak. Say to him again again. This is a blessing and not a chore.

Also in an intimate relationship, it’s natural for one party to want to know about the other party. Similarly, reading the Word is not a chore. When I read the Word, I know my Heavenly Father what He is like, what He did and what He is going to do. I understand Him and His heart through the word and I converse with Him mine through prayers. This is an exchange with Him, going back and forth.

I was just reading my past posts and felt really emotional reading my entries in Chile. I felt like I am now living a too comfortable life in Singapore. Am I still dreaming for God? Am I still living my life fully for Him?

My heavenly Father has been really faithful and indeed, He hasn’t short changed me all these years when I was serving Him.  He has given so many good gifts. I remember the sense of uncertainties when I returned to SG but He’s assured & provided me in every step I took. He gave me a partner whom I can share my life with, a lovely house that I can come home to, a healthy & bright child and a very good environment to work in.

I remember a dream sometime back and the message was “don’t love the gifts more than the giver!”

I think this is what my Father desires…Simply for me to hold His hands and walk with Him.

“Father, thank you the wonderful gifts you’ve given me. You are indeed a faithful and good God. As you have promised & assured me, you have taken care of ALL my needs and I was not in lack in any ways. Forgive me for loving the gifts more than you who is the giver. I yearn for more of your presence. Teach me to hold your hands and walk with you…till we meet face to face again.”

man and child walking near bushes during daytime

Photo by freestocks.org on Pexels.com


Trust in God


My little boy is in school and today it’s his fourth day. He certainly didn’t look this way at school today. When I dropped him in school, he cried, screamed and clung on to me for his dear life. His teacher had to “ripped” him off me and pulled him into the class. I didn’t even manage to say a decent goodbye to him.

On my way to work, I started to tear as I felt really bad leaving him in school. He’s not even 2 years old and I had to leave him in school for such long hours. Will he grow up to be an insecure boy? Will he be happy in school? I was tearing up thinking of all these thoughts.

Then I heard Him. He said “I will take care of Titus. Trust me.” I remembered that time when I told God that Titus belong to Him and I am only a steward. I was assured that the Lord will watch over Titus, and He actually loves Titus more than me.

Lord I entrust Titus to you. Please watch over him & take care of him. May he become the man you want him to be.

Remember Christ

I’m going to note this before I forget…

Last Saturday I was quite overwhelmed by many things around me. I found myself getting bitter and frustrated over small matters. I was just too tired to give and there wasn’t much joy in doing so. Then the Lord reminded me that I needed to come to Him and be filled. He doesn’t require me to give away things I do not have. I guess in the midst of my busyness, I forgot about Him. Like Martha I was too distracted and concern about the things I needed to do.

Lord teach me to be grateful for all the blessings you’ve given me. I am so tired of trying to work things out by myself. I can’t do it too. Please help me and let’s do life together.

self reminder

hey you,

Don’t be petty over small things. Look to God. Days are running out on this earth…
Be contented, enjoy and be happy over the things and people God has placed in your life…
Learn to smile and laugh…
Appreciate the little things in life…
Be kind and generous to others… Dun be calculative… the things you have aren’t yours in the first place
Put others above yourself… anything from others will be a bonus…
Expect God to meet your needs, only He can meet ALL of them…
Remember that if you look after the things that matter to God, He will look after the things that matter to you.
Above all, don’t worry cos you know you are in good hands…just like a child

Ni ojo vio, ni oído oyó
las cosas que Dios preparó para aquel
que espera en Él a oír su voz:
“Eres arcilla y Yo tu Hacedor”.

En tu mano toma mi ser,
transfórmame como quieras, Jesús.
Cristo, ayúdame a entender
tu obra en mí y a través de mí,
y ser lo que de – bo ser.

Ni ojo vio, ni oído oyó
las cosas que Yo preparé para ti.
Espera en Mí, a oír Mi voz:

“Eres arcilla y Yo tu Hacedor”.
Déjate en mis manos moldear,
tu ser transformar a mi voluntad.

Yo te ayudaré a entender,
Mi obra en ti y a través de ti,
y ser lo que debes ser.

Señor, yo recuerdo tus palabras y creo…
haz tu obra en mi, por fav


I have been dreading to make this decision for the longest time. I tried to give excuses on why I should not take this up.

Today, I received a vision from Him during worship:

There were 2 roads, one showing a wide and comfortable road, and the other was a narrow road filled with trials and difficulties. The difference in these two roads was the presence of God. Though the first road was wide and comfortable, it was void of God’s presence and though the other narrow road was difficult, His Presence was there. I saw another picture of the heavenly Father holding the hand of a child on a beam. At times when the child was about to fall, He extended his hand to support him.

And God asked me “which path are you going to take?”

I thought to myself, how would I live a life without His presence? Although it may be comfortable and smooth sailing, God is not going to be with me!! How terrible that will be!!

I think the path I am gonna to take is clear, isn’t it?

Then God spoke to me “I am worth it.”

He added “I am your heavenly Father. 那你在怕什么?”




It’s mine!

My 2 naughty nephews are back in town! I have not seen them for a long time and they have grown so much physically.

As they hardly come  to Singapore, my parents and I would flourish them with gifts. I bought them food, cars, lanterns and even toothbrush. While we always teach my elder nephew to share, this word doesn’t seem to sink-in well with him. In fact, his favourite phrase is “it’s mine!” When i touched the car I gave him, he would say “it’s mine.” Or when I ate from the bunch of grapes i gave him, he would say “it’s mine.”It ‘s such an  irony when I was the one who gave him in the first place!

On another note, I realise I do this often to my heavenly Father too… while He gives me time, money and resources I sometimes clench my fist and say “It’s mine!”

Hmm….is it really mine to begin with?


Were there times in your life which you just felt down and you really couldn’t pinpoint a specific reason for it?

I feel like I am going through a “blue” season in my life. A mixture of feelings, unanswered questions, decisions waiting to be made, the process of waiting, fears of the unknown…

“Why are you downcast, O my soul? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God.”